Working with tables and views

The object list on the left side of screen shows the tables and other database objects in a tree view format. You can expand/collapse the nodes to make up space to view other items in case the database contains lots of tables/views or other objects.

You can click on the tables and views to quickly see records from the table or view in the result pane. If the table more records than the limit specified in the configuration files, then the results pane show previous and next links, along with page numbers so that you can directly go to a particular page instead of using previous/next links.

You can also quickly generate selec/insert and update statements for the selected table by using the appropriate menu commands. After that, edit the generated sql in the sql editor and execute it to complete the operation.

You can use the right click menu to see the creation command for views also. This is particulary useful if you want to alter the view command. Simply drop the view and recreate it with the new command after modifying the original one.